Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Top 10 Myths of Manifestation – How to Cut Through the Crap and Get the Law of Attraction to Really Work for You

The Law of Attraction is a very alluring idea. Think about it, visualize it and it will be yours. It’s like a genie in a lamp, ready to grant wish after wish. We hear success story after success story of how one man got rich just by thinking about it or how some woman found the man of her dreams through positive thinking. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but that just isn’t how it works.

When I was little, I changed imaginary careers as often as I discarded old toys. One day I was a scientist playing with a chemistry set and the next day I’m yelling at my dolls to stop the presses ‘cause I’ve got a big scoop. Twenty years later I find myself working at a 24-hour news station, writing news and producing scripts. The Universe has a funny way of making the stuff of child’s play into reality. Could I have become a scientist? I doubt it, since I can’t tell the difference between a quark and an electron and science didn’t hold its interest for very long. I believe my passion for writing at an early age steered my life into the direction it’s in now.

That’s how manifestation works. It isn’t a cure-all by any means but it’s definitely a way to achieve goals and fulfill dreams. If you put in the work of course.

The following chapters will outline the various myths floating around the Law of Attraction. We’ll sort out the crap and learn the most effective way of using our mind to attain our deepest desires.

Chapter Names
Chapter 1: Manifestation – If you build it, will it come?
Explaining the basics of the Law of Attraction. The origin of the idea and some examples of popular sources like The Secret.

Chapter 2: Myth – Wishing and Hoping is Good Enough
Thinking really hard about a pile of money isn’t going to magically make it appear. Setting a goal then getting up and going after it are two entirely different things.

Chapter 3: Myth – Obsession vs Attraction
Obsession borders on mania. Single-mindedness about anything is never healthy. Being well-rounded yet focused is key.

Chapter 4: Myth – You’ll be Swimming in Money in No Time
It takes time. It may takes years but having a goal in life and moving forward will eventually get you to where you want to be. Be patient.

Chapter 5: Myth – It’s Foolproof
Sometimes it just doesn’t work. Wishing for a hunky George Clooney lookalike to sweep you off your feet may not be the right way to go about it. Adjusting your thoughts and having the correct focus is important to turn them into reality.

Chapter 6: Myth – No Sweat Results
Wanting to lose 20 pounds isn’t going to happen just because you’re thinking about it. You need to push yourself to take the necessary steps.

Chapter 7: Myth – Positive Thinking = Manifestation
You don’t always need to think positive to achieve manifestation. It’s a great plus of course but the Law of Attraction is a different animal altogether.

Nothing in life ever comes easy but the first step towards getting the most out of life starts in our minds. We have to know what we want and we have to know that we deserve it.

Many people take for granted the power of manifestation and forget that we have to give as much as we take. Spreading goodwill and positive energy should be on everyone’s to-do list.